Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
To learn more about how you can be involved in the missions and outreach of Hope Church, please contact Jim Jeffreys. jjeffreys@hccommunity.org
Royal Family KidsTMS Global
First Light
Alabama Teen Challenge
Cornerstone Ranch
The Lovelady Center
The Jimmie Hale Mission
The Firehouse Shelter
Urban Ministry
First Priority
Dream Garden, Inc
Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank
Three Hots and a Cot
The Well House
True Vine Ministries
100 Hundred Oaks Hispanic Community
Affordable Counseling Therapy
Serving You Ministries
Bridges For Peace
Christian Service Mission
Foster Blessings Diaper Distribution

The Wiegert Family (Peru)
Esaho & Beatrice Kipuke (Togo)
Brian Ely (USA)
The Howards (Spain)
Michael Agwanda (Kenya)
The Guzman's (Mexico)
Lenny Allen (Israel)
Esaho & Beatrice Kipuke (Togo)
Brian Ely (USA)
The Howards (Spain)
Michael Agwanda (Kenya)
The Guzman's (Mexico)
Lenny Allen (Israel)